More Crochet Resources

Friday, April 2

Standard Necklace Lengths

I keep a list of standard necklace lengths handy when I write crochet jewelry patterns.
Satin Pillows Necklace is opera length.
(Coincidentally, I crocheted some of them with Opera thread.)

Trailing Vines is lariat length
Collar: 12" – 13"
(30.48 cm – 33 cm)
Choker: 14" – 16"
(36.5 cm – 41.5 cm)
Princess: 17" – 19"
(43 cm – 48 cm)
Matinee: 20" – 24"
(51 cm – 61 cm)
Opera: 25" – 34"
(64.5 cm – 87.5 cm)
Rope: 35" – 44"
(89 cm – 112 cm)
Lariat: 45" – 48"
(114 cm – 122 cm)

I like these charming, old-fashioned names. Nowadays I never hear someone say, 
Looks like I'm going to need my matinee necklace for this dress. None of my princesses will do.
Bracelets of the Sweet Almonds Set
can be linked together to
create necklaces of various lengths.
Hmmm, Honey, what do you think? Opera or rope? If I go with the opera necklace, I can double it like so; I could wear the rope tripled, though.

Of course, we crocheters can decide to make our necklaces any length we prefer as we go. I use these traditional lengths as a starting point and as a way to place our art in the context of jewelry making.

1 comment:

  1. Apropos of nothing, I think that necklace looks kind of like a bicycle chain... but in a good way. I'm weird.

    Apropos of something: I like those names too. Makes me want to watch a Grace Kelly movie or something. :)


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